Systems thinking, complexity economics, social science, energy and environmental policy
Updated Jan 2021. My Google Scholar page is likely more up to date
Barbrook-Johnson P, Castellani B, Hills D, Penn A & Gilbert N (2021) Policy evaluation for a complex world: Practical methods and reflections from the UK Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity across the Nexus. Evaluation 27(1), 4-17.
Barbrook-Johnson, P. & Penn, A (2021) Participatory Systems Mapping for complex energy policy evaluation. Evaluation. 27(1) 57-79.
Wilkinson, H. Hills, D. Penn, A. & Barbrook-Johnson, P (2021) Building a system-based Theory of Change using Participatory Systems Mapping. Evaluation 27(1) 80-101.
Schimpf C, Barbrook-Johnson P and Castellani B (2021) Cased-based modelling and scenario simulation for ex-post evaluation. Evaluation. 27(1), 116-137.
Cox J and Barbrook-Johnson P (2021) How does the commissioning process hinder the uptake of complexity-appropriate evaluation? Evaluation, 27(1), 32-56.
Barbrook-Johnson, P. Proctor, A. Giorgi, S. & Philipson, J (2020) How do policy evaluators understand complexity? Evaluation, 26(3), 315-332.
Barbrook-Johnson, P (2020) Participatory Systems Mapping in action: supporting the evaluation of the Renewable Heat Incentive. CECAN Evaluation Policy and Practice Note No. 17. Available at
Lippe, M. Bithell, M. Gotts, N. Natalini, D. Barbrook-Johnson, P. Giupponi, C. Hallier, M. Hofstede, GJ. Le Page, C. Matthews, RB. Schlüter, M. Smith, P. Teglio, A. & Thellmann, K (2019) Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales. GeoInformatica, 23(2), 269-298.
Barbrook-Johnson, P. Schimpf, C. & Castellani. B (2019) Reflections On the Use of Complexity-Appropriate Computational Modeling for Public Policy Evaluation in the UK. Journal on Policy and Complex Systems, 5(1), 55-70.
Barbrook-Johnson, P (2019) Innovative partnerships: a review of innovative public-private partnerships in food-energy-water-environment domains in the UK. Available at
Castellani, B. Barbrook-Johnson, P. Schimpf, C (2019) Case-based methods and agent-based modelling: bridging the divide to leverage their combined strengths. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 22(4), 403-416.
CECAN team (lead author Barbrook-Johnson, P) (2018) Policy Evaluation for a Complex World. Available at
Barbrook-Johnson, P (2018) Negotiating complexity in evaluation planning: A participatory systems map of the energy trilemma. CECAN Evaluation Policy and Practice Note No. 12.
Gilbert, N. Ahrweiler, P. Barbrook-Johnson, P. Narasimhan, K. & Wilkinson, W (2018) Computational modelling of public policy: Reflections on practice. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21(1), 1-14.
Anzola, D. Barbrook-Johnson, P. Salgado, M & Gilbert, N (2017) Sociology and Non-Equilibrium Social Science. In: Johnson, J. Nowak, A. Ormerod, P. Rosewell, B. Zhang, Y.C. (Eds.) Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy. Springer
Anzola, D. Barbrook-Johnson, P & Cano, J (2017) Self-organisation and Social Science. Computational and Mathematical Organisation Theory. 23, 221-257.
Barbrook-Johnson, P. Badham, J. & Gilbert, N (2016) Uses of Agent-Based Modeling for Health Communication: the TELL ME Case Study. Health Communication, 32(8), 939-944.
Johnson, P (2015). Agent-Based Models as “Interested Amateurs”. Land. 4(2), 281-299.
Gilbert, N. Anzola, D. Johnson, P. Elsenbroich, C. Balke, T & Dilaver-Kalkan, O (2015). Self-organizing dynamical systems. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 21. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 529-534.
Johnson, P (2014). Using the Telephone to Interview Professionals: Understanding the Use of Models in Environmental Policy. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Johnson, P. Balke, T & Kotthoff, L (2014) Integrating optimisation and agent-based modelling. Proceedings of 28th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation.